Constable James Hadden

Constable James Hadden

Constable Hadden, a native of Blyth, Northumberland, joined the City of Glasgow Police on 30 March 1920 and was posted to ‘G’ (Queen’s Park) Division and thereafter transferred to ‘D’ (Southern) Division. His Register Number was D-453.

About 9.30 pm on 21 January 1933, Constable Hadden was on points duty at Shawlands Cross, Glasgow, when he saw a car approaching him. He recognised it as a car, which had been circulated earlier as having been stolen from the West End of Glasgow. He signaled the youth who was driving the car to stop and questioned him regarding his possession of the vehicle.

As he questioned the youth, he suddenly struck the constable on the chest with his hand and began to drive off. Constable Hadden jumped onto the running-board of the car whereupon the youth struck him with a heavy shoe that was within the vehicle.

At this point, another constable, Thomas Conchie, who had seen what had happened, also jumped onto the running board of the car but he was soon dislodged, fell to the ground and was only slightly injured. The vehicle gained speed but Constable Hadden continued to hang onto the vehicle as the driver swerved violently trying to dislodge him. He then deliberately drove the vehicle close to an oncoming tram car, crushing Constable Hadden between the stolen car and the tram car. As a result, he was thrown to the ground and seriously injured. The stolen car was later found in a street nearby.

The youth responsible was subsequently arrested and charged with theft and the attempted murder of Constable Hadden. He was later sentenced to 12 months imprisonment at Glasgow High Court. Constable Hadden was so seriously injured that he was unfit for duty and retired on pension on 17 August 1934.

In 1935, Constable Hadden was awarded the King’s Police Medal for Gallantry. (London Gazette 1.1.1935)