Constables Robert Rathney and Peter McGregor

Constables Robert Rathney and Peter McGregor

Constable Robert Rathney, a native of Aberdeenshire, joined the City of Glasgow Police on 13 February 1923 and was posted to the ‘D’ (Southern) Division. His Register Number was E-365.

His colleague, Constable Peter McGregor was born in Glasgow. He served as a temporary constable during the General Strike (7 – 16 May 1926) and joined the City of Glasgow Police on 19 April 1927. He was posted to ‘D’ (Southern) Division and his Register Number was F-277.

On the night of 16 February 1929, both constables attended a house fire where the fire had started in a first floor flat of a tenement property. The fire quickly spread to the upper floors and even to the ground floor. The fire spread so rapidly that the eight occupants of the upper floors were afraid to to make their way down the narrow winding stair which was their only means of escape.

Constables Rathney and McGregor rushed up through the smoke and flames and succeeded in carrying and guiding the eight occupants to safety, despite the intense heat. Both constables suffered from severe burns to their hands and face.

For their bravery in rescuing the eight persons, both constables were awarded the King’s Police Medal for Gallantry and the Glasgow Corporation Medal for Bravery.

In 1932, Constable Rathney was appointed Detective Constable in ‘D’ (Southern) Division and retired as a Sergeant in ‘A’ (Central) Division on 14 February 1953.

Constable McGregor was also appointed Detective Constable in ‘D’ (Southern) Division in 1932. He progressed through the ranks and retired on 15 December 1961 with the rank of Detective Chief Inspector in charge of the Special Branch.